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KLUniversity Online Degree | Online UG, PG Degree

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01 (1) KLU Online
"KLEF Centre for Online Education (KL COE)
KL-COE strives to position itself as a leading institution of higher education in the delivery of high – quality world class online degree programs that serves the evolving needs of diverse learners.
KL-COE aims to become a premier avenue for electronically delivered courses and degree programs which foster an inviting institutional climate that promotes excellence in teaching and learning with technology collegiality, collaboration which inspires community engagement, and inclusive learning environments using evolving technologies to meet the emerging needs of employability and industry.
Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)
In this digital era, where there is no dearth of information, the parameter quality has been compromised in many instances to meet the immediate needs.
Quality over Quantity has always been the main motto to motivate ourselves to deliver quality education. Accordingly, CIQA has been established in 2019 to maintain the quality in the courses offered online by KL-COE.
Programs offered:
• PG- MBA, MBA (Digital Marketing), MBA (Data Science), MBA (Logistics & Supply Chain Management), MBA (Entrepreneurship)
Who can all avail this?
• Those who are already pursuing a regular degree.
• Those who had a break after graduation due to some reason.
• Those who are already working.

Student Centered Learning
Learning is incomplete without Active Learning. Against this backdrop, COE ‘s virtual interaction through Induction Program is commendable, as it helps the students to build an overall picture of the learning process and plan, academic calendar, assessment criteria.
Learner centered pedagogy is one area of focus to fulfill the learner's aspirations by being a facilitator of learning through LMS (Learning Management System). The students can access it to acquaint themselves with the four-quadrant approach for courses.
All the courses are developed as per the following
Quadrant 1: e-tutorial (Video)
Quadrant 2: e-content (SLM (Self Learning Material))
Quadrant 3: Assessment (Assignment, Short answer questions, Internal Assessment)
Quadrant 4: Discussion Forum
• e-tutorial means and includes informative and explanatory videos delivered by professors through Learning Mangement System.
• e-content means and includes contents in the form of structured course material, as a part of one or more courses in the Online Program, in digital format delivered through Learning Management System, which is inter alia self-explanatory, self-contained, self-directed at the learner, and amenable to self-evaluation, and enables the learner to acquire the prescribed level of learning.
• Assessment includes the tests and assignments to test the understanding.
• Discussion forum that clarifies the doubts of the learners.

To update the students, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), another informative platform that keeps an account of the day-to-day activities, Exam Assessment, and many more has been the ground of ease of access for the students to ameliorate their feeling of irregularity.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism
The student’s performance is wholly or partially affected if they are unable to express their grievances. As there is no room for any such kind of discomfort, we have designed a Grievance Redressal Cell where the student can raise queries and we promise to address them in no time.

The Alleviation process begins with the submission of form either through online or offline.
Online: Using this online form open 24×7, one can state their grievances classified into distinct categories.
Offline: A Grievance Box is placed outside of the 3rd floor COE office.
Rules To Be Followed
1.Write the Grievance Form with a constructive mindset and ensure the grievance is elaborated clearly in English.
2.Be Genuine about your Grievance.
3.Improper and incomplete Grievance forms will be discarded.
4.Submission of Multiple Grievance Forms is allowed. Students can use the same form in various occasions to report different grievances.

We conduct online examinations through technology mediated proctoring.

The successful completion of the program means the learner must obtain minimum “P” (Pass) or better grade for all the courses in all the semesters.
Steps that help in the successful completion of the program
• Acquaint oneself with the Four Quadrant approach.
• Self-Learning Material and learning videos are a source of quick, lucid, and in-depth preferred source to study.
Fee Structure
To provide opportunities for Higher Education to a larger segment of the population and to promote the educational wellbeing of the community in general, the fee structure was devised in such a manner that it is affordable
to all the stake holders including students from the deprived sections of society.

By strictly adhering to the UGC guidelines, we shall undertake a strategic planning program that improvises the learning strategy of the students through the Four Quadrant Approach.
The journey of educational excellence always made us make an extra effort to attain the same through new and innovative methods.
KL – COE always strives to underpin the importance of attaining education through several ways and be an inspiration to peers."


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